Friday, July 26, 2013

Love- just a word

My experience with love has not been good. So I strongly believe that love is just a word rather than a feeling.Well once you are a victim it's almost impossible to get out of the trauma, I have been in love with a person for 5 years and maybe because of that I am not able to let anyone else make me feel the same way again.I used be the person who used to get hurt always and now am the person who hurts everyone, you can say that being hurt and neglected turns you into a total bitch. It's like love is just a joke and a way of getting involved into some stuff. I believe no one in this world can love you more than yourself and also loving yourself doesn't mean you just don't care about the world. You have to see that when its the right situation for you to show how much you love yourself and when its not. People call me the person with no heart, man you don't know what all I have been through. I used to be this person with this huge heart until it was taken advantage of. I decided to shut the feelings of love and to never let them come out. And trust me I don't crib over guys now. But there's this problem with the world if a women is being hurt by some guy they will just give her condolence but if she hurts the guy and moves on in her life she is tagged "SLUT, BITCH". I mean why? Now that I don't cry over guys and i have made myself strong enough to not fall in love, instead just move on in life and never look back. Well according to people that makes me a whore.  And we say our societies mind set is changing? 

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