Monday, May 30, 2016


Just when you think that the best phase of your life has began.
There comes the speeding car tossing you over in the air and taking you back to square one. I have just completed my graduation and I have no idea of what I want to do. Yes, I am annoyed of "Ab kya plan hai aage ka ?"
Yes, when you reply to that question with am still trying to figure that out, the expressions on other person's face will make you question your own instinct. But you know what, you don't have to do that because sometimes it's okay to not be a part of the herd.  My friends are either starting with their B-schools or their first day at work and here I am eating pizzza and sipping coffee while going through online portals to figure out what is it that interests me.

The situation gets worse when your parents ask you why are you not signing up for some B-school.
This is the most challenging part but also the most growing phase. I know what i take up now, might not be able to change or swap from that field later. So why not take time and make a decision that's going to help me the best. It's okay to take risk and to explore because that's how you'll know what exactly are you capable of. I don't want to take a decision that's not going to bring me inner happiness.

I trust myself and that's what matters. In the end I don't want to blame anyone apart from myself for the decisions taken now.

Trust me it's completely okay to not know what you want to do. You are the most safest person and can dwell easily. So dont feel guilty or depressed, there are many like us. Also the most famous personalities didnt know what they wanted to do, they explored and nurtured. 

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